Robison Dental TMJ / TMD Disorder Treatment
TMJ Pain
If you experience regular jaw popping or clicking, you may have Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder. This condition has many side effects that can put a strain on your regular routine, including chronic headaches and difficulty eating or chewing. Individuals suffering from TMJ Disorder, or TMD, experience pain that originates in the jaw along the joint, but can often spread to other parts of the body, as well. TMJ Disorder can cause extreme discomfort if it is left untreated. Dr. Letha Robison offers TMJ Disorder treatment options that can be customized for each patient’s unique case.
TMJ Headaches
Many headaches are actually TMJ headaches that are caused by temporo-mandibular dysfunction. They include repeated headaches and migraines, and others that many physicians may try to ascribe to other causes or may be a mystery to physicians.
If you have constant or recurring headaches and no doctor has yet found a cause, it would be worth your while to be evaluated by Dr. Robison.